Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Εκδόσεις Bloomsbury
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When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny …
J.K. Rowling's internationally bestselling Harry Potter books continue to captivate new generations of readers. Harry's fifth adventure alongside his friends, Ron and Hermione, invites you to explore even more of the wizarding world; from the sickly-sweet, kitten-clad walls of Professor Umbridge's office to the unplottable recesses of the Room of Requirement. This gorgeous paperback edition features a spectacular cover by award-winning artist Jonny Duddle, plus refreshed bonus material, including ten essential spells for any witch or wizard learning the art of self-defence. Perfect for anyone who's ready to lose themselves in the biggest children's books of all time.
J.K. Rowling's internationally bestselling Harry Potter books continue to captivate new generations of readers. Harry's fifth adventure alongside his friends, Ron and Hermione, invites you to explore even more of the wizarding world; from the sickly-sweet, kitten-clad walls of Professor Umbridge's office to the unplottable recesses of the Room of Requirement. This gorgeous paperback edition features a spectacular cover by award-winning artist Jonny Duddle, plus refreshed bonus material, including ten essential spells for any witch or wizard learning the art of self-defence. Perfect for anyone who's ready to lose themselves in the biggest children's books of all time.